I'm trying to implement a WireTap with Java DSL Fluent Builders, which gives the following example code snippet.
This works if I run a mock example (e.g. camel-example-jms-file). However, if I take the sample code and try to substitute a real Broker instance and Queue to replace the mock objects it fails with the error below.
Then it fails
org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route route2: Route(route2)[[From[tcp://localhost:61616?queue=atsUpdateQue... because of Failed to resolve endpoint: tcp://localhost:61616?queue=atsUpdateQueue due to: No component found with scheme: tcp
I've googled extensively and all the examples I've found use the virtual mock queues none seem to illustrate working with a real broker but I cannot find any documentation on the URI specification for camel.
Thank you for the suggestions, while useful in increasing my understanding neither actually resolved my problem. My code was wrong and for the benefit of others I should have been using the following names.
final String sourceQueue = "activemq:queue:atsUpdateQueue";
final String destinationQueue = "activemq:queue:atsEndPoint";
final String wiretapQueue = "activemq:queue:fdmCaptureQueue";