
Compile multiple autoit scripts using batch

I have this autoit script:

Aut2exe.exe /in %cd%\n1.au3 /out %cd%\n1.exe /icon %cd%\icon.ico /x86 /comp 4

I need it to compile all scripts in the dir not just the file specified. I have tried this:

Aut2exe.exe /in %cd%\* /out %cd%\* /icon %cd%\icon.ico /x86 /comp 4

But it gives a error does any one know what I could do. Thanks.


  • @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion 
        for %%a in ("%cd%\*.au3") do (
            Aut2exe.exe /in "%%~fa" /out "%%~dpna.exe" /icon "%%~dpa\icon.ico" /x86 /comp 4