I am using DeployMaster to build an installer for a 32-bit Windows application written in C++ using Qt.
The executable depends on the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable - i.e., the 32-bit Visual Studio 2013 redistributable must be installed by the end user, prior to running this application.
I have googled, and looked at other StackOverflow questions. In particular, this link provides the exact Registry key to check, but for the case of VS 2008.
I need VS 2013, not VS 2008.
However, ideally it will be a reliable registry check - not a programmatic solution - because I can easily check a registry key with a DeployMaster installer. (If the system is determined to not have the redistributable installed, it's also easy to have the DeployMaster installer kick off the installer.)
Does anybody know a reliable method, preferably using a Registry key, that allows to make it possible to determine if the 32-bit VS 2013 redistributable is installed on an end-user's machine?
The key you need is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\RuntimeMinimum