
IIS - Windows Server 2012 - IP Address and Domain Restrictions

I'm having a hard time trying to find where it is located the IIS Security features in Windows Server 2012.

The common steps :

1.Open the Control Panel
2.Search for Programs and Features
3.Select Turn Windows Features on or off
4.Expand the IIS node
5.World Wide Web Services > Security and enable IP Security.

However, these steps are not valid for Windows server 2012.

Where is it located Security/IP Address and Domain Restrictions feature ?


  • Ok, I got it, the steps are:

    1. Open the Control Panel
    2. Search for Programs and Features
    3. Select Turn Windows Features on or off
    4. A wizard is displayed. Click Next until you get to "Server Roles" option at left side.
    5. Select and expand Web Server (IIS) .
    6. Select and expand Web Server.
    7. Select and expand Security.
    8. Check IP and Domain Restrictions.

    I hope it helps.enter image description here