I'm trying to draw some charts on a Canvas Area. My Problem is following...
I have 1-4 (or more) circles to draw. The canvas size is like 500 x 400 px. How can i now calculate the max Radius of each circle to place all on this canvas and get the position (center x/y) of each circle? So each circle could be optimal placed on the area with some margin to each other?
here some example screens to show you what i mean...
thanks a lot!
To calculate the maximum radius you can use
var numberOfSections = 4;
var width = 500;
var height = 400;
var R = Math.sqrt((width * height) / numberOfSections) / 2
var MX = Math.round(width / (R * 2)); // max amount of squares that can fit on the width
var MY = Math.round(height / (R * 2)); // max amount of squares that can fit on the height
var skipLast = 0;
var numOfCalculatedCircles = MX*MY;
if(numOfCalculatedCircles != numberOfSections) {
if(numOfCalculatedCircles < numberOfSections) {
MX = MX + Math.ceil((numberOfSections - numOfCalculatedCircles)/MY);
if(MX*MY != numberOfSections) {
skipLast = Math.abs(MX*MY - numberOfSections);
} else {
skipLast = numOfCalculatedCircles - numberOfSections;;
// recalculate the radius for X
if (R * 2 * MX > width) {
R = (width/2) / MX;
// recalculate the radius for Y
if (R * 2 * MY > height) {
R = (height/2) / MY
Calculate the margins for X and Y:
var circlesWidth = R * 2 * MX;
var circlesHeight = R * 2 * MY;
var marginX = 0;
var marginY = 0;
if (circlesWidth < width) {
marginX = (width - circlesWidth) / 2
if (circlesHeight < height) {
marginY = (height - circlesHeight) / 2
After that you can calculate the centers:
var RY = marginY + R;
var radiusPadding = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < MY; i++) {
var RX = marginX + R;
for (var j = 0; j < MX; j++) {
if(i === MY - 1) {
if(j === MX - skipLast) {
fromCenter: true,
strokeStyle: 'red',
strokeWidth: 1,
start: 0,
end: 360,
radius: R - radiusPadding,
x: RX,
y: RY
RX += 2 * R;
RY += 2 * R;
Hope this helps.
UPDATE: It is still incomplete but it may work in this particular example: http://jsfiddle.net/dhM96/4/