I am trying to create a mobile Cloudstack 4.2 on 2 PCs. 1st pc = Xenserver 2nd pc = ACS 4.2
I am quite stuck in creating Primary storage during the Cloudstack UI as it prompt me "Something went wrong; You may go back and correct errors, Failed to add data store"
This is what I have do when trying to make my local storage as primary/secondary storage.
mkdir -p /export/primary /export/secondary
nano /etc/exports
/export *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
exportfs -a
mount -t nfs /export/primary
mount -t nfs /export/secondary
usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/storage/secondary/cloud-install-sys-tmplt -m /export/secondary -u http://d21ifhcun6b1t2.cloudfront.net/templates/4.2/systemvmtemplate-2013-07-12-master-xen.vhd.bz2 -h xenserver -F
I have successfully managed to enter the Cloudstack UI but fail at fail to add data store. Adding host was fine too.
I would like to ask if my step is correct? (Definitely wrong as I did not achieve my result)
Why it's wrong? How could I correct it?
Is it because I am stacking the folders?
Seeding the template goes into the NFS storage or it's mountpoint?
I have successfully deploy cloudstack with running VMS with a external NFS storage but it's too slow as my network is quite slow...
If you want to use local primary storage with XenServer you need at least two things:
xe sr-list
on you XenServer console (where sr
stands for storage repository)See the script in [1] for guidance on how to setup your XenServer for CS. Or feel free to use the script and make pull requests whenever you find something that is not right.