
How can i modify a command in MINIX 3.2.1 so that uses my own system call?

Good evening you all!

I'm doing homework on minix 3.2.1, where i'm asked to create an new system call, my_rmdir, that acts exactly like rmdir but also prints the name of the deleted directory. Also I'm supposed to modify the system's source code so when i give the rmdir command then instead of calling the do_rmdir function the system should call my own do_myrmdir function.

In the past, I have done the same homework with the mkdir command but there everything was simple because mkdir was properly declared minix style and I made changes to


and everything worked allright. But now, I think because of the NETBSD code infusion, I'm a bit lost.

Also the point isn't creating a new system call from scratch because first i don't have the knowledge and second the change i need to make is very small.
The number one problem i have is that i can't find where the original do_rmdir is declared and how it is connected with the rmdir command.

In the /usr/src/servers/vfs/table.c file line 58

do_unlink,  /* 40 = rmdir   */

makes it more confusing

Any help or ideas?

If you need further information please ask.

I'm new to the forum, i tried to ask properly, thanks for your understanding.


  • OK, I got it!

    The rmdir command calls the do_unlink function and based on what the user rights are, it requests either the rmdir or unlink command. The difference is that unlink can do some dangerous things so it's only for admin use.