
Is there a way to include/render a file from outside `src` in DocPad?

I have a project which have a lot of useful docs outside of the src directory which I'd like to render as usual DocPad documents.


In both those cases there are files outside of the src/documents that I'd like to use as partials or documents, and it seems that the partial plugin can't help me (or I couldn't find a way to make it do what I need), and the @getCollection can only get things from the src/documents.

So, the question is: Is there a way I can tell DocPad to treat some of the files/folders from the outside of the src folder? Do I miss something?

If not, then what would be the best way to do it as a plugin, which direction should I dig?


  • The answer would be a rather simple one: relative symbolic links. Docpad handles them perfectly.

    This way, to have a symlink of inside your documents, you should do this (with pwd of src/documents):

    ln -s ../../

    Or, in case of a docs from inside one of the project's modules:

    ln -s ../../node_modules/foobar/docs/ docs

    Both those variants work perfectly.

    Note: Symlinks can be tricky. Refer to these for some common gotchas: