
Why should I prefer the "explicitly typed initializer" idiom over explicitly giving the type

I've recently bought the new Effective modern C++ from Scott Meyers and reading through it now. But I have encountered one thing which totally bugs me.

In item 5, Scott says that using auto is a great thing. It saves typing, gives you in most cases the correct type and it might be immune to type mismatches. I totally understand this and think of auto as a good thing too.

But then in item 6, Scott says that every coin has two sides. Likewise, there might be cases when auto deduces a totally wrong type, e.g. for proxy objects.

You may already know this example:

class Widget;
std::vector<bool> features(Widget w);

Widget w;

bool priority = features(w)[5]; // this is fine

auto priority = features(w)[5]; // this result in priority being a proxy
                                // to a temporary object, which will result
                                // in undefined behavior on usage after that
                                // line

So far, so good.

But Scott's solution to this, is the so called "explicitly typed initializer idiom". The idea is, to use static_cast on the initializer like this:

auto priority = static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]);

But this not only leads to more typing, but means you also explicitly state the type, which should be deduced. You basically lose both advantages of auto over an explicit given type.

Can anyone tell me, why it is advantageous to use this idiom?

First to clear things up, my questions aims to why I should write:

auto priority = static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]);

instead of:

bool priority = features(w)[5];

@Sergey brought up a link to a nice article on GotW about this topic, which partly answers my question.

Guideline: Consider declaring local variables auto x = type{ expr }; when you do want to explicitly commit to a type. It is self-documenting to show that the code is explicitly requesting a conversion, it guarantees the variable will be initialized, and it won’t allow an accidental implicit narrowing conversion. Only when you do want explicit narrowing, use ( ) instead of { }.

Which basically brings me to a related question. Which of these four alternatives should I choose?

bool priority = features(w)[5];

auto priority = static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]);

auto priority = bool(features(w)[5]);

auto priority = bool{features(w)[5]};

Number one is still my favorite. It's less typing and as explicit as the three other ones.

The point about the guaranteed initialization doesn't really hold, as I'm declaring variables anyways not before I can initialize them somehow. And the other argument about the narrowing didn't work out well in a quick test.


  • Following the C++ Standard:

    § 8.5 Initializers [dcl.init]

    1. The initialization that occurs in the form

      T x = a;

      as well as in argument passing, function return, throwing an exception (15.1), handling an exception (15.3), and aggregate member initialization (8.5.1) is called copy-initialization.

    I can think of the example given in the book:

    auto x = features(w)[5];

    as the one that represents any form of copy-initialization with auto / template type (deduced type in general), just like:

    template <typename A>
    void foo(A x) {}

    as well as:

    auto bar()
        return features(w)[5];

    as well as:

    auto lambda = [] (auto x) {};

    So the point is, we cannot always just "move type T from static_cast<T> to the left-hand side of assignment".

    Instead, in any of the above examples we need to explicitly specify the desired type rather than allowing compiler deduce one on its own, if the latter can lead to undefined behavior:

    Respectively to my examples that would be:

    /*1*/ foo(static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]));
    /*2*/ return static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]);
    /*3*/ lambda(static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]));

    As such, using static_cast<T> is an elegant way of forcing a desired type, which alternatively can be expressed by explicit contructor call:


    To summarize, I don't think the book says:

    Whenever you want to force the type of a variable, use auto x = static_cast<T>(y); instead of T x{y};.

    To me it sounds more like a word of warning:

    The type inference with auto is cool, but may end up with undefined behavior if used unwisely.

    And as a solution for the scenarios involving type deduction, the following is proposed:

    If the compiler's regular type-deduction mechanism is not what you want, use static_cast<T>(y).


    And answering your updated question, which of the below initializations should one prefer:

    bool priority = features(w)[5];
    auto priority = static_cast<bool>(features(w)[5]);
    auto priority = bool(features(w)[5]);
    auto priority = bool{features(w)[5]};

    Scenario 1

    First, imagine the std::vector<bool>::reference is not implicitly convertible to bool:

    struct BoolReference
        explicit operator bool() { /*...*/ }

    Now, the bool priority = features(w)[5]; will not compile, as it is not an explicit boolean context. The others will work fine (as long as the operator bool() is accessible).

    Scenario 2

    Secondly, let's assume the std::vector<bool>::reference is implemented in an old fashion, and although the conversion operator is not explicit, it returns int instead:

    struct BoolReference
        operator int() { /*...*/ }

    The change in signature turns off the auto priority = bool{features(w)[5]}; initialization, as using {} prevents the narrowing (which converting an int to bool is).

    Scenario 3

    Thirdly, what if we were talking not about bool at all, but about some user-defined type, that, to our surprise, declares explicit constructor:

    struct MyBool
        explicit MyBool(bool b) {}

    Surprisingly, once again the MyBool priority = features(w)[5]; initialization will not compile, as the copy-initialization syntax requires non-explicit constructor. Others will work though.

    Personal attitude

    If I were to choose one initialization from the listed four candidates, I would go with:

    auto priority = bool{features(w)[5]};

    because it introduces an explicit boolean context (which is fine in case we want to assign this value to boolean variable) and prevents narrowing (in case of other types, not-easily-convertible-to-bool), so that when an error/warning is triggered, we can diagnose what features(w)[5] really is.

    UPDATE 2

    I have recently watched Herb Sutter's speech from CppCon 2014 titled Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style, where he presents some points on why should one prefer the explicit type initializer of auto x = T{y}; form (though it is not the same as with auto x = static_cast<T>(y), so not all arguments apply) over T x{y};, which are:

    1. auto variables must always be initialized. That is, you can't write auto a;, just like you can write error-prone int a;

    2. The modern C++ style prefers the type on the right side, just like in:

      a) Literals:

      auto f = 3.14f;
      //           ^ float

      b) User-defined literals:

      auto s = "foo"s;
      //            ^ std::string

      c) Function declarations:

      auto func(double) -> int;

      d) Named lambdas:

      auto func = [=] (double) {};

      e) Aliases:

      using dict = set<string>;

      f) Template aliases:

      template <class T>
      using myvec = vector<T, myalloc>;

      so as such, adding one more:

      auto x = T{y};

      is consistent with the style where we have name on the left side, and type with initializer on the right side, what can be briefly described as:

      <category> name = <type> <initializer>;
    3. With copy-elision and non-explicit copy/move constructors it has zero-cost compared to T x{y} syntax.

    4. It is more explicit when there are subtle differences between the types:

       unique_ptr<Base> p = make_unique<Derived>(); // subtle difference
       auto p = unique_ptr<Base>{make_unique<Derived>()}; // explicit and clear
    5. {} guarantees no implicit conversions and no narrowing.

    But he also mentions some drawbacks of the auto x = T{} form in general, which has already been described in this post:

    1. Even though the compiler can elide the right-hand side's temporary, it requires an accessible, non-deleted and non-explicit copy-constructor:

       auto x = std::atomic<int>{}; // fails to compile, copy constructor deleted
    2. If the elision is not enabled (e.g. -fno-elide-constructors), then moving non-movable types results in expensive copy:

       auto a = std::array<int,50>{};