I create simple package by using table. Because the package has many procedures so I split the code into many text file. Each file will pass the convention checking of Maple
I want to create a master file and "include" all text-code file into master file before compiling.
HINHHOC9 := table():
$include <"D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/01_DocDuLieu.maple"> ;
url := currentdir();
save HINHHOC9, cat(url, "/HINHHOC9.m");
libname := libname, url;
But the master file compiled error
> restart;
> HINHHOC9 := table():
on line 5 of "D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/00_MasterFile.maple",
syntax error, cannot open $include file:
$include <"D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/01_DocDuLieu.maple"> ;
> quit
memory used=0.6MB, alloc=6.3MB, time=0.14
Please help me to find out the way to include and compile the code
You have both quotation marks and angle brackets around the file name. You need one, but not both, of those.