
What is difference between Test case and Test case(if we are not taking automation into consideration(

If Automation is excluded and from manual testing point of view, what is diffrerence between Test Strategy, Test Scenario, Test case and Test Script


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    Test Strategy

    A Test Strategy document is a high level document and normally developed by project manager. This document defines “Software Testing Approach” to achieve testing objectives. The Test Strategy is normally derived from the Business Requirement Specification document.

    Some companies include the “Test Approach” or “Strategy” inside the Test Plan, which is fine and it is usually the case for small projects. However, for larger projects, there is one Test Strategy document and different number of Test Plans for each phase or level of testing.

    Components of the Test Strategy document

    1)Scope and Objectives

    2)Business issues

    3)Roles and responsibilities

    4)Communication and status reporting

    5)Test deliverability

    6)Industry standards to follow

    7)Test automation and tools

    8)Testing measurements and metrices

    9)Risks and mitigation

    10)Defect reporting and tracking

    11)Change and configuration management

    12)Training plan


    Test Scenario

    A scenario is a story that describes a hypothetical situation. In testing, you check how the program copes with this hypothetical situation. The ideal scenario test is credible, motivating, easy to evaluate, and complex. Scenarios are usually different from test cases in that test cases are single steps and scenarios cover a number of steps. Test suites and scenarios can be used in concert for complete system tests. A Scenario is any functionality that can be tested. It is also called Test Condition ,or Test Possibility.


    Test Cases

    In software engineering, a test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine if a requirement upon an application is partially or fully satisfied. It may take many test cases to determine that a requirement is fully satisfied. In order to fully test that all the requirements of an application are met, there must be at least one test case for each requirement unless a requirement has sub requirements. In that situation, each sub requirement must have at least one test case .

    A test case is also defined as a sequence of steps to test the correct behavior of a functionality/feature of an application. A sequence of steps consisting of actions to be performed on the system under test. (These steps are sometimes called the test procedure or test script). These actions are often associated with some set of data (preloaded or input during the test). The combination of actions taken and data provided to the system under test leads to the test condition. This condition tends to produce results that the test can compare with the expected results; I.e assess quality under the given test condition. The actions can be performed serially, in parallel, or in some other combination of consecution.


    Test Script

    Test Script is a set of instructions (written using a scripting/programming language) that is performed on a system under test to verify that the system performs as expected. Test scripts are used in automated testing.

    Sometimes, a set of instructions (written in a human language), used in manual testing, is also called a Test Script but a better term for that would be a Test Case.