
Normal Cuda Vs CuBLAS?

Just of curiosity. CuBLAS is a library for basic matrix computations. But these computations, in general, can also be written in normal Cuda code easily, without using CuBLAS. So what is the major difference between the CuBLAS library and your own Cuda program for the matrix computations?


  • We highly recommend developers use cuBLAS (or cuFFT, cuRAND, cuSPARSE, thrust, NPP) when suitable for many reasons:

    Honestly, at this point, I can probably count on one hand the number of developers out there who actually implement their own dense linear algebra routines rather than calling cuBLAS. It's a good exercise when you're learning CUDA, but for production code it's usually best to use a library.

    (Disclosure: I run the CUDA Library team)