I want to build a flex library project directly through the mxmlc compiler. My library has one .as file and it is under a package call com.test
package com.test { public class Main { public function Main(){...
I run the following command on the cmd
D:\4.11.0\bin\mxmlc D:\TestLibrary\src\com\test\Main.as
But it gives me the following error
Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'com.test'
If I remove the package definition from the script as follows, it works.
package { public class Main { ...
My question is why this happen and how to fix it?
You need to additionally tell the compiler the root of your sources:
mxmlc D:\TestLibrary\src\com\test\Main.as -source-path D:\TestLibrary\src\
by providing the "source-path" property you are telling the compiler where the root is and releative from that it now should know that com.test.Main is the relative path to your class.