I have a few domain classes similar to the following:
class Position {
String code
String title
static hasMany = [relations: Relation]
class Unit {
String code
String title
static hasMany = [relations: Relation]
class Relation {
Position position
Unit unit
static belongsTo = [
position: Position,
unit: Unit
I am attempting to use criteria to find all positions that do not have any relations. I know this can be solved using HQL but I find the criteria to be cleaner when building dynamic criteria versus building a dynamic HQL string.
Is there a way to use criteria to do something like:
Position.withCriteria { isNull('relations') }
I have tried the above but I always get a list containing 0 elements even though I know there are unrelated positions in the table.
For collections you need to use isEmpty()
instead of isNull()
Position.withCriteria { isEmpty('relations') }