
Reversing AND Bitwise

Here's the following algorithm:

int encryption(int a, int b) {
    short int c;
    uint8_t d;

    c = a ^ b;
    d = 0;
    while(c) {
        c &= c - 1;
    return d;

How can I find which values a and b I should send to that function to decide the output value of d?

In other words, how can I reverse the algorithm if, let's say, I wanted d == 11?


  • This:

    while(c) {
        c &= c - 1;

    counts the number of 1-bits in c. So for example, if c = 10110, d will be 3.


    c = a ^ b;

    Does an exclusive or between a and b. This means that all the 1-bits that share the same position in both a and b will be zeroes, and all the positions that have different values in a and b will become 1. For example:

    101110 ^

    So basically, the algorithm finds the number of 1-bits in a ^ b. To force it to output a certain value, just make a = 0 then b = number with d 1-bits.

    To get a number with d 1-bits, consider b = (2 to the power of d) - 1.

    So if you want d = 11, then a = 0 and b = (2 to the power of 11) - 1 = 2048 - 1 = 2047.

    To efficiently compute 2 to a certain power programmatically, use this formula:

    2 to the power of k == 1 << k

    So, basically: encryption(a, b) == d if a = 0 and b = (1 << d) - 1.