I need to run F# with monodeveloper on Arch Linux. (Please don't advice me to NOT use it, i have to use it as it is required by a university course). I tried to add Language Binding for F# as it is described in this link(downloaded zip file, extract it and tried to add from add-in manager):
It gives me the following errors:
The selected add-ins can not be installed because there are dependency conflicts.
The package 'Components v2.2' could not be found in any repository
The package 'Core v2.2' could not be found in any repository
The package 'Core.Gui v2.2' could not be found in any repository
The package 'Ide v2.2' could not be found in any repository
The package 'Projects v2.2' could not be found in any repository
The package 'Projects.Gui v2.2' could not be found in any repository
How can i solve this problem? I search on the internet and couldn't find a solution yet.
Second way, i tried to build and install from scratch as described in github:
I've downloaded fsharpbinding.zip, installed nuget(i don't know what else i should download, as it says "required nuget packages"), unzip the file, and call ./configure.sh under his folder. It fails because it can't find fsc in given paths:
which: no fsc in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl
It successfully finds all other directories that it looks for. F# is already installed but i don't know how to find fsc to pass its path to configure.sh. What should i do?
just ran into this, and it seems to be this issue. fixed it by uninstalling monodevelop and installing monodevelop-latest from aur