I want to know whether the video has compltely played or not for this I have an idea that after end of video if the currenttime and duration of the video (using javascript) are same we can confirm it as video has played completely. But I cant frame it. Another thing is that are there any direct methods to known whether a video is played till end or not?
thanks in advance
awaiting replies.
If you're using HTML5 < video > tag (let's suppose it has "myVideo" as ID) you can get/set its time with the command
var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");
vid.currentTime = 5;
and video duration with
There's also a direct way to check if a video, by adding a Javascript listener.
function myHandler(e) {
e = window.event;
alert("Ended."); //Replace this with the code you need to execute when video ends
Sources and examples: currentTime, duration.