I need to migrate a number of svn repos:
From: Linux 32-bit, svn 1.6.11
To: Linux 64-bit, svn 1.8.10
The repos are using fsfs file system db.
What is the best way to migrate the repos? I don't mind having downtime during the migration. Are there any implications going from 32-bit to 64-bit?
Can I install 1.8.10 on the destination and migrate direct to that? Or do I need to migrate to 1.6.11 and do an in-place upgrade to 1.8.10?
The Best and The Shortest
svnadmin dump PATH/TO/REPO > dumpfile
on sourcesvnadmin create PATH/TO/REPO
on target (SVN 1.8 X64 is OK)svnadmin load PATH/TO/REPO < dumpfile
on target