You can display a Value's type like this:
cout << val.type() << end;
and it print a number.
How can I map this number back to the actual type?
besides peeking in the header file, of course, which reveals all...
enum Value_type {
Nope, that seems to be the canonical way:
switch(v.type()) {
case obj_type: pp_obj(v, lev+1); break;
case array_type: pp_array(v, lev+1); break;
case str_type: pp<string>(v, lev+1); break;
case bool_type: pp<bool>(v, lev+1); break;
case int_type: pp<int>(v, lev+1); break;
case real_type: pp<double>(v, lev+1); break;
case null_type: pp_null(v, lev+1); break;