
Shunting Yard Algorithm with unnecessary parentheses

Input (in javascript) is "3-2+(8-3)"

I want to translate this expression to Reverse Polish Notation. However, according to the algorithm, I can get "3 2 8 3 - + -", which doesn't evaluate to the result 12..... Any work around method for this? I know the parentheses are unnecessary here, but, oh well...I have my function below:

function ShuntingYard(str){
    str=str.replace(/\)\(/g, ")*(");
    var arr=str.split("");
    var sYqueue=[];
    var sYstack=[];   
    while (arr.length>0){
        var token=arr.shift();
        if (/\d+/.test(token)){
            // if it's a number, push to the queue
        } // end if
        else if (/[+]|[-]|[*]|[\/]/.test(token)){
            // if it's an operator
            if (sYstack.length==0){
                // if an empty operator stack

                while ((/[*]|[\/]/.test(sYstack[sYstack.length-1])) &&
                        // if the TOS has operator with higher precedence
                        // then need to pop off the stack
                        // and add to queue

        else if (/[(]/.test(token)){
            // if it's left parenthesis

        else if (/[)]/.test(token)){
            // if it's right parenthesis
            while (!(/[(]/.test(sYstack[sYstack.length-1]))){
                // while there's no left parenthesis on top of the stack
                // then need to pop the operators onto the queue
            } // end while
            if (sYstack.length==0)
            { // unbalanced parenthesis!!
                console.log("error, unbalanced parenthesis");
                sYstack.pop(); // pop off the left parenthesis

            // other cases

    } // end while

    // now while the stack is not empty, pop every operators to queue
    while (sYstack.length>0){
    return sYqueue;

} // end function ShuntingYard


  • A long time ago in a gist far far away I wrote an implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm in JavaScript:

    function Parser(table) {
        this.table = table;
    Parser.prototype.parse = function (input) {
        var length = input.length,
            table = this.table,
            output = [],
            stack = [],
            index = 0;
        while (index < length) {
            var token = input[index++];
            switch (token) {
            case "(":
            case ")":
                while (stack.length) {
                    var token = stack.shift();
                    if (token === "(") break;
                    else output.push(token);
                if (token !== "(")
                    throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");
                if (table.hasOwnProperty(token)) {
                    while (stack.length) {
                        var punctuator = stack[0];
                        if (punctuator === "(") break;
                        var operator = table[token],
                            precedence = operator.precedence,
                            antecedence = table[punctuator].precedence;
                        if (precedence > antecedence ||
                            precedence === antecedence &&
                            operator.associativity === "right") break;
                        else output.push(stack.shift());
                } else output.push(token);
        while (stack.length) {
            var token = stack.shift();
            if (token !== "(") output.push(token);
            else throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");
        return output;

    Here is how you would use it:

    var parser = new Parser({
        "*": { precedence: 2, associativity: "left" },
        "/": { precedence: 2, associativity: "left" },
        "+": { precedence: 1, associativity: "left" },
        "-": { precedence: 1, associativity: "left" }
    var output = parser.parse("3 - 2 + ( 8 - 3 )".split(" ")).join(" ");
    alert(JSON.stringify(output)); // "3 2 - 8 3 - +"
    <script>function Parser(a){this.table=a}Parser.prototype.parse=function(a){var b=a.length,table=this.table,output=[],stack=[],index=0;while(index<b){var c=a[index++];switch(c){case"(":stack.unshift(c);break;case")":while(stack.length){var c=stack.shift();if(c==="(")break;else output.push(c)}if(c!=="(")throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");break;default:if(table.hasOwnProperty(c)){while(stack.length){var d=stack[0];if(d==="(")break;var e=table[c],precedence=e.precedence,antecedence=table[d].precedence;if(precedence>antecedence||precedence===antecedence&&e.associativity==="right")break;else output.push(stack.shift())}stack.unshift(c)}else output.push(c)}}while(stack.length){var c=stack.shift();if(c!=="(")output.push(c);else throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");}return output};</script>

    This, incidentally does not (and never will) evaluate to 12, but this does:

    var parser = new Parser({
        "*": { precedence: 2, associativity: "left" },
        "/": { precedence: 2, associativity: "left" },
        "+": { precedence: 1, associativity: "left" },
        "-": { precedence: 1, associativity: "left" }
    var output = parser.parse("3 * 3 - 2 + 8 - 3".split(" ")).join(" ");
    alert(JSON.stringify(output)); // "3 3 * 2 - 8 + 3 -"
    <script>function Parser(a){this.table=a}Parser.prototype.parse=function(a){var b=a.length,table=this.table,output=[],stack=[],index=0;while(index<b){var c=a[index++];switch(c){case"(":stack.unshift(c);break;case")":while(stack.length){var c=stack.shift();if(c==="(")break;else output.push(c)}if(c!=="(")throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");break;default:if(table.hasOwnProperty(c)){while(stack.length){var d=stack[0];if(d==="(")break;var e=table[c],precedence=e.precedence,antecedence=table[d].precedence;if(precedence>antecedence||precedence===antecedence&&e.associativity==="right")break;else output.push(stack.shift())}stack.unshift(c)}else output.push(c)}}while(stack.length){var c=stack.shift();if(c!=="(")output.push(c);else throw new Error("Mismatched parentheses.");}return output};</script>

    There you have it: a generalized implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm in JavaScript.