I want to know the key codes for all the function keys from F1-F12. From previous search queries I have found keycode 107 to turn brightness down by running this
echo "tell application \"System Events\"
key code 107
end tell" | osascript
And I'm guessing that simulates the F1 key but the weird thing is 113
turns the brightness up. I haven't been able to find key codes for any other Fn keys. Any help? Is there a nice table made for this where I can get the keycodes. In the end I want to be able to either directly perform the actions that these keys do or somehow simulate those actions. Anything would be fine.
Key code 107 is not the F1 code; it is a separate code for Brightness control. There is also one for Volume control, but it is broken. The key codes are in semi-random order and can not be predicted. The Function keys are:
F1=122, F2=120, F3=99, F4=118, F5=96, F6=97, F7=98, F8=100, F9=101, F10=109, F11=103, F12=111