I'm not the best at maths, and im sorta trying to guess how to implement this for my animation. But currently it is not working, and I believe i have misunderstood how to do my easing function for my animation.
I have a object which is meant to represent a plane, on my canvas of which has the follow properties:
Current Velocity = obj.velocity
Braking Distance = obj.stopDist
Current Position = obj.posX & obj.posY
Destination = obj.destX & obj.destY
So i then incorporate the maths to try to have the plane land on a runway with an easing function so it looks half decent visually even if its not real world physics like this:
function ease(easeDelta,accelerateBool){
// accelerating
return (easeDelta * easeDelta * easeDelta);
} else {
return ((easeDelta--) * easeDelta * easeDelta + 1);
function InRange(delta, minValue, maxValue){
var range = (maxValue - minValue);
var valueInRange = (range * delta);
var finalValue = (valueInRange + minValue);
return finalValue;
function landing(){ //part of animation loop
var delta = new Date().getTime() - obj.timer, //ms since previous frame
vectorX = obj.destX - obj.posX,
vectorY = obj.destY - obj.posY,
normal = Math.sqrt(vectorX*vectorX + vectorY*vectorY), //distance to destination
targetSpeed = 20,
easeDelta = (normal / obj.stopDist),
newSpeed = InRange(ease(easeDelta,false), obj.velocity, targetSpeed),
distance = delta * newSpeed;
obj.posX += (distance * vectorX);
obj.posY += (distance * vectorY);
obj.timer = new Date().getTime(); //ready for next frame
The problem is the plane doesn't slow down as it goes a long the runway towards its destination. It just stays really slow.
Have i confused my maths with how easing functions work ?
Here are some extremely simple easing in and out equations written in that you might find helpful.
// accelerating from zero velocity
function easeIn(t)
return t*t
// decelerating to zero velocity
function easeOut(t)
return t*(2-t)
so you could use them like so:
function ease(easeDelta,accelerateBool){
// accelerating
return (easeDelta * easeDelta);
} else {
return ((easeDelta*(easeDelta - 2)));