
Binding a Drop Down in SAPUI5 to list all possible values

I've been able to successfully bind a DropDown control in SAPUI5 to list values based on one model. My questions is: how do I bind a DropDown to one model that contains all possible values and one model that contains the actual value for that record?


Table (and first Model)

Name School

John Hopkins

Mary Horner

The school column is a DropDown, if I bind the DropDown to this model these are the only two schools that show up when in actuality there are five possible schools to choose based on the following model:

Second Model


Thought this would be simple, but haven;t been able to figure it out or find an example with searches.


  • I am not quite sure I understand what you want to do exactly, but you can easily bind the selectedKey property to a different model than the one the items are filled from:

    I created an example for you:,js,output

    It doesn't matter if the path points to the same model or a different one. I used named models and put the name of the model in front of the path, separated by ">". A Model named "x" with a path "/a/b/c" becomes "x>/a/b/c".

    Update: I think I now know what you meant, here is an example in a Table:,js,output