I am working with sap.m.Input in an SAPUI5 application and need to customize the value help indicator (VHI). Specifically, I want to:
Change the default icon used for the value help indicator (showValueHelp="true"). Replace the standard value help functionality with a custom event handler or dialog.
<Input id="myInput"
How can I change the default value help icon?
The valueHelpIcon property doesn't seem to work in sap.m.Input.
Can I completely replace the default value help indicator with a custom icon or button? If so, what’s the best approach?
Is there a way to override the default behavior of the value help indicator and open a custom dialog instead?
What I've Tried:
Setting valueHelpIcon="sap-icon://custom-icon" (no effect). Handling valueHelpRequest to open a custom dialog. Exploring custom CSS to modify the default icon.
I’d appreciate any guidance or alternative approaches to achieve this customization. Thanks!
The Input control doesn't allow you to specify which icon should be used as value-help icon. You can see in line 415 of Input.js that the value help icon is hard-coded.
However, if you need a version of the input control that does allow you to specify which icon is used, I would suggest to create a custom Input control. This Input control could be as simple as subclass of the standard UI5 Input control. And then just override its _getValueHelpIcon method.