
Hiding column of datagrid in DOJO

Hi I want to hide a column name in data grid and want to use it for some internal function so that user cannot see it. e.g. I want to hide roll number field please help me in doing it. I hope question is enough to explain the work which I need to do. Please help me with this. Thanks in Advance! PLease find the code below:

 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html>

function onReportTypesSelect()
    if(getDijitValue('data_types') != 'Select')

        if(getDijitValue('data_types') == 'class_level')

                    ], function(JsonRest, Memory, Cache, DataGrid, ObjectStore, query){
                        var userStore, dataStore, grid;
                        userStore = new Cache(JsonRest({target: "<%=request.getContextPath()%>" + "/data/classServlet"}), new Memory()); 
                        grid = new DataGrid({
                            store: dataStore = new ObjectStore({objectStore: userStore}),
                            structure: [
                                        {name: 'Roll Number', field: 'roll', width: 'auto', defaultValue: ""},
                                         {name: 'Name', field: 'name', width: '100px', defaultValue: ""},
                                        {name: 'Class', field: 'class', width: '75px', defaultValue: ""}
                        style:"font-family: calibri, Garamond, Comic Sans; font-size: 10;",
                        autoHeight: 10,
                        selectable: true

                        , "class_level_grid_div"); // make sure you have a target HTML element with this id


</head>`enter code here`
<div id="data_types" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select" style="width: 200px;" onchange="onReportTypesSelect()">
                     <span data-dojo-value="Select"><b>Select</b></span>
                    <span data-dojo-value="class_level"><b>class Level</b></span>
<div id="class_level_grid_div" style="width: 95%; height: 90%;"> </div>


  • First, assign your column id:

    {name: 'Roll Number', id: 'rollNum', field: 'roll', width: 'auto', defaultValue: ""},

    If you are trying to hide or show the column the solution is:

    // to hide column with id="rollNum"
    grid.styleColumn("rollNum", "display: none;");
    // to show it
    grid.styleColumn("rollNum", "display: table-cell;");