
Invalid command name "Agent/rtProto/OSPF"

I have installed the OSPF patch for ns2 and it installs correctly. Now when I try to run the tcl examples of the same patch with command ns ospf0.tcl it gives this error:

(TCL) Creating simulator & trace files...
(TCL) Setting up nodes and links...
(TCL) Configuring traffic objects...
(TCL) Configuring routing protocol...
invalid command name "Agent/rtProto/OSPF"
while executing
"Agent/rtProto/OSPF set helloInterval 1"
(file "ospf0.tcl" line 132)

Here someone says it indicates a failed build. (Or you are using a wrong executable 'ns'.), but the patch installed with no error. I used to run tcl files with ns smoothly without the patch and without OSPF. I have ubuntu 14.04 with ns2 2.35 and have applied 10-ospf4ns2.34 patch. Any ideas whats wrong? Also it would be very helpful if someone just gave me the nam file to simulate or even the trace file.


  • Ns-2.35 : The patch 10-ospf4ns2.34-base.patch will fail with common/packet.h .

    Please read post #4 here ... about » ospf_ns235.patch «

    Here's what you can do:

    Ubuntu 14.04 : $ sudo apt-get remove ns2
    $ tar xvf ns-allinone-2.35_gcc482.tar.gz

    $ cd ns-allinone-2.35/
    $ patch -p0 < ospf_ns235.patch

    $ ./install
    $ cd ns-2.35/
    $ sudo make install 
    $ cp ns ns-ospf
    $ sudo cp ns-ospf /usr/local/bin/
    $ cd tcl/ex/ospf/
    $ mkdir out_ospf0 out_ospf1 out_ospf2 out_ospf3 out_ospf4 out_ospf5 out_ospf6 out_ospf7 out_ospf8 out_ospf9
    $ ns-ospf ospf0.tcl
    $ ns-ospf ospf9.tcl