I want to use enumeration with localized string, so I do like this, it works, but the problem of this solution is : I can't get easily enum value from localized string, I must have the key to do it :
let option = DietWithoutResidueOption(rawValue: "NoDiet")
If not I must to call dietWithoutResidueOptionWith method to get enum value... :/
There are a better solution to store directly localizedString and not keys in enum ?
enum DietWithoutResidueOption: String {
case noDiet = "NoDiet"
case threeDays = "ThreeDays"
case fiveDays = "FiveDays"
private func localizedString() -> String {
return NSLocalizedString(self.rawValue, comment: "")
static func dietWithoutResidueOptionWith(#localizedString: String) -> DietWithoutResidueOption {
switch localizedString {
case DietWithoutResidueOption.threeDays.localizedString():
return DietWithoutResidueOption.threeDays
case DietWithoutResidueOption.fiveDays.localizedString():
return DietWithoutResidueOption.fiveDays
return DietWithoutResidueOption.noDiet
"ThreeDays" = "OUI, SUR 3 JOURS";
"FiveDays" = "OUI, SUR 5 JOURS";
You can use any StringLiteralConvertible, Equatable
type for RawValue
type of enum
So, how about:
import Foundation
struct LocalizedString: StringLiteralConvertible, Equatable {
let v: String
init(key: String) {
self.v = NSLocalizedString(key, comment: "")
init(localized: String) {
self.v = localized
init(stringLiteral value:String) {
self.init(key: value)
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self.init(key: value)
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
self.init(key: value)
func ==(lhs:LocalizedString, rhs:LocalizedString) -> Bool {
return lhs.v == rhs.v
enum DietWithoutResidueOption: LocalizedString {
case NoDiet = "NoDiet"
case ThreeDays = "ThreeDays"
case FiveDays = "FiveDays"
var localizedString: String {
return self.rawValue.v
init?(localizedString: String) {
self.init(rawValue: LocalizedString(localized: localizedString))
Using this, you can construct DietWithoutResidueOption
by 3 ways:
let option1 = DietWithoutResidueOption.ThreeDays
let option2 = DietWithoutResidueOption(rawValue: "ThreeDays") // as Optional
let option3 = DietWithoutResidueOption(localizedString: "OUI, SUR 3 JOURS") // as Optional
and extract the localized string with:
let localized = option1.localizedString