
ColdFusion Websocket: The channel entry specified for subscribeTo is not valid

My company is using cfwebsocket on our ColdFusion 11 server. In the past it has worked fine, but recently we started getting this message every time we try to access the page that calls cfwebsocket:

Attribute validation error for the CFWEBSOCKET tag The channel entry specified for subscribeTo is not valid. 
"testing123" is not a valid channel registered for this application.

However in our Application.cfc I have setup the channel:

 <cfset this.wschannels = [{name="testing123"}] />

Another weird problem is that when I go to the WebSocket section of the ColdFusion Administrator. I get an error as well:

CFAdmin WebSocket Error It's really weird because we had this working before. We haven't changed our firewall at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • If you have updated to Update 3 then the reason for the problems is due to Adobe breaking websockets in that update.

    I submitted a bug just after it was released -

    Its been fixed and you can request a hotfix from them which does resolve the issue, otherwise you will have to wait until Update 4!