Using a python based disassembler + debugger I've found below instructions(example). Now I want to parse Microsoft provided public symbols to find exact functions its calling.
I want to know what are the available options/ modules to do the same. Can we just simply get the info from a static PDB files or its required to load that in memory while debugging ?
call ntdll!0x33dec
call ntdll!0x22280
call ntdll!0x2df40
call ntdll!0x33cdb
call ntdll!0x2df29
call ntdll!0x325a0
call ntdll!0x32a96
call ntdll!0x32a79
call ntdll!0x220a4
A sample that uses capstone for dis-assembly
and dbghelp apis
for symbol resolving of an immediate E8 call
import sys #for argv[]
import binascii #for hexlify repr() spits out ugly mix like
#'\xe8y\xff\' instead of '\xe8\x79\xff' :(
from ctypes import *
from capstone import *
class SYMBOL_INFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [
( 'SizeOfStruct', c_ulong ),
( 'TypeIndex', c_ulong ),
( 'Reserved', c_ulonglong * 2 ),
( 'Index', c_ulong ),
( 'Size', c_ulong ),
( 'ModBase', c_ulonglong ),
( 'Flags', c_ulong ),
( 'Value', c_ulonglong ),
( 'Address', c_ulonglong ),
( 'Register', c_ulong ),
( 'Scope', c_ulong ),
( 'Tag' , c_ulong ),
( 'NameLen', c_ulong ),
( 'MaxNameLen', c_ulong ),
( 'Name', c_char * 2001 )
modname = sys.argv[1]
offset = long(sys.argv[2],16)
sympath = "xxx:\\yyyyy" # substitute actual path
base = windll.LoadLibrary(modname)._handle
symaddr = c_ulonglong(base + offset)
print "Module name = %s\nModule Base = %s\nSymFromAddr = %s" % \
dbghelp = windll.dbghelp
k32 = windll.kernel32
hproc = k32.GetCurrentProcess()
sinfo = SYMBOL_INFO()
sinfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) - 2000
sinfo.MaxNameLen = 2000
Displacement = c_ulonglong()
print "Sym At Addr = %s + %s" % (sinfo.Name,str(hex(Displacement.value)))
opcodebuff = create_string_buffer(16)
for i in range(0,16,1):
print binascii.hexlify(opcodebuff.raw[i]),
MyDisasm = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
for i in MyDisasm.disasm(opcodebuff, symaddr,1):
print "0x%x: %s %s %s" % ( i.address ,binascii.hexlify(i.bytes),
i.mnemonic, i.op_str)
if(i.mnemonic == 'call'):
symaddr = c_ulonglong(long(i.op_str,16))
print "(%s+%s)" % (sinfo.Name,str(hex(Displacement.value))),
print "(%s+0x%X)"% (modname ,long(i.op_str,16)-base)
print "Indirect/register Calls Not Handled Yet"
usage as follows
python ntdll 1041
first argument is a string that represents a module
second argument is a string that represents an offset in the module
so if module is loaded at 0xxxxxxxxx offset 1041 will point to the address
Module name = ntdll
Module Base = 0x7c900000
SymFromAddr = 0x7c901041L
Sym At Addr = RtlEnterCriticalSection + 0x41L
e8 79 a1 01 00 64 8b 0d 18 00 00 00 8b 54 24 04
0x7c901041: e879a10100 call 0x7c91b1bf
(RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x0L) (ntdll+0x1B1BF)