
CFEngine match hostname in bundle agent

I am new to CFEngine and i am trying to perform some actions based on hostnames.

eg: all hostnames having stable should contain packages from slist 1 all hostnames having test should contain packages from slist 2

bundle agent package_lists {
            package_policy => "add",
            package_method => yuck,
            classes => if_repaired("package_changed");

I want to change this to include hosts with test in them a well

should addition of test be sufficient? I am not able to understand what dist_class:: and stable are.




  • I believe you should be using the OR operator '||' rather than an and '&'/'&&' operator (assuming you are talking about classes representing groups of servers for which all three classes require the same package installation). Using the ampersand (&) or dot (.) will only match servers belonging to all three classes rather than individuals.

    If you want to match only servers which match all three class definitions at once then ampersands are (one of) the way to go.

    Personally I like to keep things as atomic as possible so I'd actually define the promises for all three classes separately or create a new class for common packages ensuring that the above servers belong to that class.