
MongoDB - Xubuntu crouton - can't start service

I've tried following the installation instructions laid out here:

But I run into a problem with, I'm guessing, Upstart/initctl and I can't get the mongod service to start other than by running it manually as sudo in a terminal, which is a Bad Idea IMO. (Even if this is merely for a classroom, single-user setup.)

sudo /etc/init.d/mongod start

Yields this error:

initctl: Unknown job: mongod

I've tried sudo initctl reload-configuration and running the above start command again, to no avail.

Any ideas or suggestions on what to do next?


  • Installing mongodb using what the official documentation doesn't seem to work in crouton. Below are the instructions I followed to get it working on my machine (crouton running elementaryOS)

    1. Download the physical mongodb package for linux (can be obtained from
    2. Extract the mongodb package using tar -xvzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.7.tgz
    3. Make the installation directory (sudo mkdir /usr/lib/mongodb)
    4. Copy the extracted mongodb into to /usr/lib/mongodb (sudo mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.7 /usr/lib/mongodb)
    5. Make the data directory (sudo mkdir -p /data/db)
    6. Start mongodb (sudo /usr/lib/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x84_64-2.6.7/bin/mongod &)