
Repeat MinifiedJS function X times?

I am using the library at Using that script, I have a div blinking twice:

vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100)
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })

As you can see, it simply sets the background to grey, back to transparent, and then back to grey again. The problem is, I want this div to blink X number of times.

I know I could do this by simply chaining more .then() animations; but that seems a bit repetitive. Anyone mind helping me out on cleaning this up?

vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100)
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100) })
.then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })


  • the promise-y way:

    function next() { 
       return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, 100)
          .then(function() { return vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100) })
          .then( ? next : Boolean);
    vbox1.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, 100).then(next);

    i use instead of x, but the main idea is to self-call from the tail until you're done instead of looping/queing ahead of time.


    as a re-usable (allows custom target, delay, and # of reps):

    function animateMyStuff(target, period, reps){
       reps=+reps||100; //default and coerce to real number
       period=+period||100; //default and coerce to real number
        function next() { 
           return target.animate({$backgroundColor: 'transparent'}, period)
              .then(function() { return target.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, period) })
              .then(reps-- ? next : Boolean);
        return target.animate({$backgroundColor: 'grey'}, period).then(next);

    to use like before: animateMyStuff(vbox1, 100, 100); , or with defaults, animateMyStuff(vbox1);