What do I put instead of ???
so the code will type check? Or is there something else I should be doing? I'm using Play to generate JSON for classes B, C, D that all extend A (Layer), but the code that tries to build the JSON only knows it has an A, not which subtype B, C or D.
class Layer
object Layer {
implicit val layerWrites = new Writes[Layer] {
def writes(x: Layer) = x match {
case a: CloudLayer => ???
case b: VerticalVisibility => ???
case c: SkyClear => ???
case class CloudLayer(coverage: String, base: Int) extends Layer
case class VerticalVisibility(height: Int) extends Layer
case class SkyClear() extends Layer
object CloudLayer {
implicit val cloudLayerWrites = new Writes[CloudLayer] {
def writes(x: CloudLayer) = Json.obj(
"layerType" -> "cloudLayer",
"coverage" -> x.cloudCoverage,
"base" -> x.base * 100
object VerticalVisibility {
implicit val verticalVisibilityWrites = new Writes[VerticalVisibility] {
def writes(x: VerticalVisibility) = Json.obj(
"layerType" -> "verticalVisibility",
"height" -> x.height * 100
object SkyClear {
implicit val skyClearWrites = new Writes[SkyClear] {
def writes(x: SkyClear) = Json.obj( "layerType" -> "skyClear" )
The easiest solution would be just to remove the implicit
modifiers from the instances in the subclasses and then refer to them explicitly:
object Layer {
implicit val layerWrites = new Writes[Layer] {
def writes(x: Layer) = x match {
case a: CloudLayer => CloudLayer.cloudLayerWrites.writes(a)
case b: VerticalVisibility =>
case c: SkyClear => SkyClear.skyClearWrites.writes(c)
You could also just scrap the individual instances and move their contents into the pattern match.
If you're feeling adventurous, Julien Richard-Foy has a pretty neat enhanced version of the Json.writes
, etc. macros that works on sealed type hierarchies.