Can anyone point me at pseudocode for iterative depth-first tree traversal, where it's possible to do actions on each node at both pre- and post- order?
That is, an action before descent into a node's children, then an action after ascent from the children?
Also, my tree is not binary - each node has 0..n children.
Basically, my case is transforming a recursive traversal, where I do the pre- and post- operations on the current node, either side of the recursion into the children.
My plan is to use two stacks. One for pre-order traversal and another one is for post-order traversal.
Now, I run standard iterative DFS (depth-first traversal), and as soon as I pop
from the "pre" stack i push it in "post" stack.
At the end, my "post" stack will have child node at top and and root at bottom.
treeSearch(Tree root) {
Stack pre;
Stack post;
while (pre.isNotEmpty()) {
int x = pre.pop();
// do pre-order visit here on x
while (post.isNotEmpty()) {
int y = post.pop();
// do post-order visit here on y
will always be traversed last from post
stack as it will stay at the bottom.
This is simple java code:
public void treeSearch(Tree tree) {
Stack<Integer> preStack = new Stack<Integer>();
Stack<Integer> postStack = new Stack<Integer>();
while (!preStack.isEmpty()) {
int currentNode = preStack.pop();
// do pre-order visit on current node
int[] children = tree.getNeighbours(currentNode);
for (int child : children) {
while (!postStack.isEmpty()) {
int currentNode = postStack.pop();
// do post-order visit on current node
I am assuming this is a tree, so: no cycle and no revisiting the same node again. But, if we want we can always have a visited array and check against that.