I am trying to write with javasctipt line of code, but decodeURIComponent ignore everything after %20 (space). How to solve this?
$(".intome").append($('<img title=' + decodeURIComponent(filename) + ' src=' + dir + ' />'));
Instead of:
<img title:"some text" src="img.png">
I am geting this:
<img title:"some" text src="img.png">
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/emnLy1t5/9/
I am an absolute newbie so I would really appreciate any advice. Also I am not native english speaker, so I am sorry for my bad english...
Wrap the output of decodeURIComponent(filename)
in quotes.
$('<img title="' + decodeURIComponent(filename) + '" src=' + dir + ' />')