I am having trouble including other files to use within a Rake file. For example, I have a version.rb file that contains the version number that I want to refer to inside the rake file, also, I have a gem spec, specified in a .gemspec file, which I also want to use in the rake file. I cannot determine the correct path to reference both of these files. In fact, this is the ruby issue I'm having the most problem with (require statements/LOAD_PATH) and its quite frustrating; the issue is made worse by the fact that I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot these issues). I am currently avoiding package handles such as bundler, because I need to understand the basics first.
See the attached pic of my code editor which shows project structure (standards gems structure, for a gem called Cart,which is just a dummy app to experiment with).
So, my rakefile.rb is in the root folder of the project. When specifying a require, where should the path specified be relative to? Is it relative from the file you are requiring from or relative to lib folder or whatever else? I am running rake -T, to list the tasks and these are error messages I see:
Trying to require version.rb file from within Rakefile.rb:
require 'cart/version'
$ rake -T
rake aborted!
cannot load such file -- lib/cart/version
/Users/Sancho/dev/ruby/student/cart/Rakefile.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
require 'lib/cart/version'
$ rake -T
rake aborted!
cannot load such file -- lib/cart/version
/Users/Sancho/dev/ruby/student/cart/Rakefile.rb:5:in `<top (required)>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Trying to require cart.gemspec from within Rakefile.rb:
require 'cart.gemspec'
$ rake -T
rake aborted!
cannot load such file -- cart.gemspec
/Users/Sancho/dev/ruby/student/cart/Rakefile.rb:6:in `<top (required)>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I am using Ruby version 2.0.0, rake version 0.9.6 (default versions that come with OSX Mavericks).
(PS, my intention is to buy a Ruby IDE like RubyGems, but again, I'm holding off from doing that because I want to learn the basics first, I don't want to become reliant on an IDE fixing issues for my if I don't understand how to fix them from first principles).
When specifying a require, where should the path specified be relative to? Is it relative from the file you are requiring from or relative to lib folder or whatever else?
will be relative to the calling file.
looks through $LOAD_PATH
directories unless the file path is absolute. Since your project does not seem to be asserting itself in $LOAD_PATH
and your paths are not absolute it can't find the file.
Since this seems like a gem have you tried adding the standard
#this will be the absolute path to lib based on the calling __FILE__
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
#this will include the path in $LOAD_PATH unless it is already included
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
This will assert the lib
directory in $LOAD_PATH
then you can require based on the path from lib e.g. require 'cart/version'