I am trying this diagrams example:
funs = map (flip (^)) [2..6]
visualize f = stroke' (with & vertexNames .~ [[0 .. 6 :: Int]] )
(regPoly 7 1)
# lw none
# showLabels
# fontSize (Local 0.6)
<> star (StarFun f) (regPoly 7 1)
# stroke # lw thick # lc red
example = center . hcat' (with & sep .~ 0.5) $ map visualize funs
And here is the result:
Everything appears as expected that some of the numbers (or more precisely, the center of these numbers) are place near the edges of the image, so in the end they look like having been cut off.
Is there a way to solve this?
The problem is text doesn't have an envelope so it's size isn't taken into account. You can solve your problem by using the frame
function which adds a border to the envelope.
example = frame 2 . center . hcat' (with & sep .~ 5) $ map visualize funs