
Kohana 3.3 check old password is correct before changing password

Using Auth ORM, how can I tell if the old password is correct before changing the password. I have seen code for older versions of Kohana which uses the find_salt method, but this no longer applicable in version 3.3.

Any ideas?


  • There is a better way to do this using Validation class:

    if($post = $this->request->post()) {
        $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
        $validation = Validation::factory($post)
            ->rule('old_password', array(Auth::instance(), 'check_password'));
        // Rules for password (model rules applies after hash)
        $extra_rules = Validation::factory($post)
            ->rule('password', 'not_empty')
            ->rule('password', 'min_length', array(':value', 8))
            ->rule('password', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password', 'password_confirm'));
        try {
            if(!$validation->check()) {
                throw new ORM_Validation_Exception('password', $validation);
            $user->password = $post['password'];
        }catch(ORM_Validation_Exception $e){
            // Handle errors