
Round robin match location algorithm

I'm trying to figure out an algorithm for setting a matches location for a round robin tournament.

I already have an array of all the matches. A match looks something like:

  date: "Thu Jan 08 2015 12:00:00",
  home: "Bob",
  away: "Frank",
  location: null

I want to loop through all matches and assign the location. I've tried various solutions but nothing has worked perfectly yet.

Location split

Match locations can be split so that multiple matches are played at the same time at a single location. How we determine if a location can be split is outside the scope of this question but let's just say we have a function called canLocationBeSplit(location) which returns a bool true or false.

Both home or away locations on either match between 2 teams can be split. However, we only want to start splitting locations unless absolutely necessary. Again, each team must play at home once and away once.

If there is still no available location for the match, we just leave it as null.


So my question is, does anybody have any suggestions for a suitable recursive algorithm that would solve this problem? Thanks for your time.


  • This is not a trivial problem. Since it is not certain that there is any solution at all, it is hard to prove that any solution you might find is optimal in regard to your requirements without using a bruteforce approach and compare it to every single outcome.

    An example for a constellation without a solution would be 4 teams which all share a home location that can not be split. The desired solution would be assigning NULL values to some matches and an "optimal" solution would have as few NULL values as possible (so finding an optimal solution is an optimization problem which might even be NP-hard?!).

    So I would have two suggestions depending on the amount of teams that you have:

    To get the "reasonable" distribution that i spoke of in the second approach, i would suggest determine for each location and each date how many different matches could possibly be played at this location. Then start by assigning the locations with the least possible matches first and repeat until no matches are left.


    Team A - Home Location: 1
    Team B - Home Location: 1
    Team C - Home Location: 1
    Team D - Home Location: 2
    Team E - Home Location: 3
    Team F - Home Location: 4

    Matches at some given date:

    Match 1: Team A vs Team D
    Match 2: Team B vs Team E
    Match 3: Team C vs Team F

    If Team A played Team D before at Location 2, we get:

    Location 1 could host 3 matches (all matches)
    Location 2 could host no matches
    Location 3 could host 1 match (Match 2)
    Location 4 could host 1 match (Match 3)

    Thus we would assign Location 3 to Match 2 and Location 4 to Match 3 which only leaves Location 1 to assign to Match 1.

    Like i said, this won't be an optimal solution and might produce some matches without an assigned location, but i hope this produces a good enough result.