I'm running an xcode 6.3 project with Parse 1.7.1 (newest version), Swift. I'm getting this issue being raised on my builds. My autocomplete and typing is PAINFULLY slow and I think it maybe related. I've testing out projects and it only happens when the Bolts module is in the project (which is required for Parse).
As @MaddTheSane pointed, the Bolts framework is missing the modulemap
in the last update of Parse (1.7.1).
In the Bolts.Framework create Modules/
(if it does not exist) and inside it create a file module.modulemap
with the content shown below. I will suggest removing the current Bolts framework from your project and importing again (the modified one.)
framework module Bolts {
umbrella header "Bolts.h"
export *
module * { export * }
explicit module BFAppLinkResolving {
header "BFAppLinkResolving.h"
link "BFAppLinkResolving"
export *