I think the easiest is to explain problem with image:
I have two cubes (same size) that are laying on the table. One of their side is marked with green color (for easy tracking). I want to calculate the relative position (x,y) of left cube to the right cube (red line on the picture) in cube size unit.
Is it even possible? I know problem would be simple if those two green sides would have common plane - like top side of cube however I can't use that for tracking. I would just calculate homography for one square and multiply with other cube corner.
Should I 'rotate' homography matrix by multiplying with 90deegre rotation matrix to get 'ground' homography? I plan to do processing in smartphone scenario so maybe gyroscope, camera intrinsic params can be of any value.
This is possible. Let's assume (or state) that the table is the z=0-plane and that your first box is at the origin of this plane. This means that green corners of the left box have the (table-)coordinates (0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,0,1) and (1,0,1). (Your box has the size 1). You also have the pixel coordinates of these points. If you give these 2d and 3d-values (as well as the intrinsics and distortion of the camera) to cv::solvePnP, you get the relative Pose of the camera to your box (and the plane).
In the next step, you have to intersect the table-plane with the ray that goes from your camera's center through the lower right corner pixels of the second green box. This intersection will look like (x,y,0) and [x-1,y] will be translation between the right corners of your boxes.