I've a client testing the full text (example below) search on a new Oracle UCM site. The random text string they chose to test was 'test only'. Which failed; from my testing it seems 'only' is a reserved word, as it is never returned from a full text search (it is returned from metadata searches).
I've spent the morning searching oracle.com and found this which seems pretty comprehensive, yet does not have 'only'.
So my question is thus, is 'only' a reserved word. Where can I find a complete list of reserved words for Oracle full text search (10g)?
Full text search string example;
(<ftx>test only</ftx>)
Can anyone confirm this? I can't find this in on Oracle anywhere.
I bet the system is trying to automatically ignore frequently occurring words. That would explain why you cannot find 'only' but 'onnly' can be found. Can you search for 'a', 'an', ...
The list you gave of words that do not work looks like some very common words that frequently are not the primary words in a sentence. Given this, they are not likely to be words you are searching for on a full text search.
What are the odds that you are looking for an article that includes the word 'that' and the inclusion of that word is the only fact you have on the article?
I think I found your list.... Ironically from the wiki page of the last company I started..: http://www.sugarcrm.com/wiki/index.php?title=Overview_of_Full_Text_Stop_Words#Default_Stop_Words_.28for_English.29
2.10.3 Modifying the Default Stoplist The default stoplist is always named CTXSYS.DEFAULT_STOPLIST. You can use the following procedures to modify this stoplist:
When you modify CTXSYS.DEFAULT_STOPLIST with the CTX_DDL package, you must re-create your index for the changes to take effect.
Default stopword list:
a he out up
be more their at
had one will from
it than and is
only when corp not
she also in says
was by ms to
about her over
because most there
has or with
its that are
of which could
some an inc
we can mz
after his s
been mr they
have other would
last the as
on who for
such any into
were co no
all if so
but mrs this
Update - A nice whitepaper from Oracle that includes how full text searching works can be downloaded from: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/text/pdf/text_techwp.pdf. They mention the stopwords and the fact that there is a default list, but don't mention the words themselves.