Showing animated “loading” gif before the actual content appears in Facebox like ajax preloader. is that possible.
From here i am calling to the function
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="load_crop('<?php echo $current_large_image_width + 200 ?>','<?php echo $current_large_image_height ;?>')"> Edit Picture</a>
And this is my function
function load_crop(wwdth,hhight){
$.facebox('<iframe FRAMEBORDER="0" height="'+hhight+'" width="'+wwdth+'" src="<?php echo $httpTemplatePath;?>/ajax/crop_image2.php? user_id=<?php echo $_SESSION['db_user_info']['id']?>" ></iframe>');
IS it possible to put a gif loader before the content of the crop_image2.php show.
From the documentation itself I think it provides that option:
$.facebox.settings.loadingImage = '/images/facebox/loading.gif'