I have a maven build running on Travis (dockerized) which builds just fine on my command line. Since a couple of days I get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
during the test cases. This happens always during the AspectJ test cases.
The output of the last build is https://travis-ci.org/dresden-ocl/dresdenocl/builds/53030457.
I did not made any intensive changes. And I did not touch the AspectJ part of the application. I tested various things with JAVA_OPTS, MAVEN_OPTS and even passing more RAM in the pom.xml for tycho-surefire-plugin. Nothing helped.
How can I get rid of the error and make all my tests run again? I think they changed anything on Travis' side that is causing the error.
The solution is stated here and references an issue how Travis CI provides MAVEN_OPTS. So if you are not fine with provided MAVEN_OPTS values you are not able to build in an containerized environment, because there is no sudo available.
- sudo rm /etc/mavenrc
- export M2_HOME=/usr/local/maven
- export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/.m2/repository -Xms1024m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=512m"
This pull request will make your changes to MAVEN_OPTS work. Thus, you can change MAVEN_OPTS without having to use the workaround above and therefore can use containerized builds with Maven.