
cinema4D - Use Boole Object with Extruded Spline


I drew a letter (that's about as far as my drawing skills go) by hand using the Freehand Spline tool and extruded it using the Extrude Nurbs.

letter P

Now as you can see the letter is a P and so I need to subtract the center of it. Therefore I want to use the Boole tool subtracting a little spline (extruded as well) from the large P. Here are my splines:


I added P and pSub to the Bool and set it to A subtract B (which works when using a normal cube and a sphere for example). Now the result is not any different from the top picture, A does not subtract B.


The center little spline is longer than the outer one (the objects are laying –> ”longer“ as in the y-value being higher).


Is there a way to fix this and to cut out pSub from P so that it is an actual P?


  • The bool-object only works with polygonal geometry. Simply select both splines in the object-manager and do a right-click. In the context-menu there is an option like 'combine and delete' or 'merge and delete' (i am using a german version) that combines the selected objects into a single one and deletes the base-objects. Depending on the complexity of the resulting spline you may have to deactivate the automatic creation of top-surfaces in the extrude-object and fill the holes manually using the 'fill-polygon-hole'-tool.

    Second approach: extrude both splines individually first (creating polygonal geometry) and use a bool on the extruded objects.

    IMHO the first approach is a more 'clean'-way to solve your problem.