
Will my Java SDK app work in BusinessObjects XIr2?

I got a sample application from the SAP site which uses the SDK that comes with BusinessObjects. I modified it to move reports from one folder to another folder. It used to delete reports. It uses the getSessionManager() method and it uses the IInfoObhects interface. The sample was written in 2010 for I believe BO XI3.1, and the modification I tested on BI4.1, it works nicely. It moves the report using the setParent() method.

Problem is, the client is on XIr2. I am hoping the code is simple enough that it will be backward compatible to the XIr2 SDK. Does anyone have any insight here? Are there some surefire ways I can tell if it will work with the XIr2 SDK, short of deploying it and watching it break? Is there a way I can be sure it might work?

thanks so much Mike


  • You can find the XIr2 Javadocs here. If you're going to run it against an XIr2 system, you will need the XIr2 SDK (jars) to compile against. If it's simple enough, it should work - there wasn't much changed in the core SDK between XIr2 and XI3.