I've got following problem with gawk's asorti function:
gawk 'BEGIN{ \
a[1]=6; \
a[2]=7; \
a[3]=8; \
a[21]=9; \
a[123]=10; \
t=asorti(a, o); \
for (i=1; i<=t; i++) { \
print i,o[i]; \
} \
The result is:
1 1
2 123
3 2
4 21
5 3
So it's pretty clear awk, sorted indices in lexicographical order, but awk's doc says (asort(s[, d])):
"The contents of s are sorted using gawk’s normal rules for comparing values..."
However, when I copy indices itself into temp array, and sort that new array using asort(),
it seems ok (using something like):
j=1; for(e in a) { temp[j++] = e; }
Am I DOIN-IT-WRONG, or is it problem with gawk's asorti() ?
According to the gawk manual: "An important aspect about arrays to remember is that array subscripts are always strings."