
Does Ruby support nonblocking HTTP requests without a third-party library?

I am writing an API to access resources on one of my servers. Part of this API will make HTTP requests. In the name of good software design, I don't want my API to be blocking.

I am fairly new to Ruby, but in Java I would provide an Asynchronous API that returns Futures of the response. In JavaScript I would take callbacks in my methods.

I've searched for other Stack Overflow questions, and seems to do what I want. However, I am hesitant to rely on a third-party library. Is there a Ruby native way to solve this problem, or do most developers rely on third-party libraries?


  • Based on my tests, MRI does support nonblocking HTTP requests simply by using a thread. Threads don't always allow parallelism in Ruby due to the GIL, but net/http appears to be one of the exceptions:

    require 'net/http'
    require 'benchmark'
    uri = URI('')
    n = 10 do |b| { n.times { Net::HTTP.get(uri) } } { threads = { { Net::HTTP.get(uri) } }; threads.each(&:join) }
    #     user     system      total        real
    # 0.010000   0.010000   0.020000 (  0.102024)
    # 0.020000   0.010000   0.030000 (  0.025904)