I currently have two folders with different features within my scenarios folder:
Inside these features I have many scenarios that share some different tags
Feature: One
@tag1 @tag2
Scenario: Scenario 1
Scenario: Scenario 2
Feature: Two
@tag1 @tag4
Scenario: Scenario 3
So here's the question: I have a rake task which goes through my scenarios and runs everything with the tag @tag1. Right now that includes Scenario 1 in feature one and Sceanrio 3 in Feature 2. Without changing any tags or scenarios, is there anything I can add to my rake task to tell it to ignore any tests in a certain file/folder? In the example above, I would like my rake task to ignore any scenarios it finds in folder_2, so Scenario 3 will not run even though it has @tag1.
My current rake task:
Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:all_tag_1) do |t|
tags = '--tags ~@wip --tags @tag1'
t.cucumber_opts = "--format html --out features/build_results/all_tag_1.html --format pretty #{tags} --format junit --out features/build_results/reports"
Part of the problem is that I have scoured the internet and Cucumber documentation and am unable to find anywhere that lists all of the valid options for cucumber_opts. If anyone can even just point me in the right direction to find a list of the different possibilities, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:all_tag_1) do |t|
tags = '--tags ~@wip --tags @tag1'
t.cucumber_opts = "features/scenarios/folder_1 --format html --out features/build_results/all_tag_1.html --format pretty #{tags} --format junit --out features/build_results/reports"
This command will only run scenarios from features/scenarios/folder_1 folder...