I'm trying to modify Dragon Dictate, which can execute AppleScript with a series of words that have been spoken. I need to find out how I can take a string that contains these words and convert it to camel case.
on srhandler(vars)
set dictatedText to varDiddly of vars
say dictatedText
end srhandler
So if I set up a macro to execute the above script, called camel, and I say "camel string with string", dictatedText would be set to "string with string". It's a cool feature of DD. However I don't know AppleScript, so I don't know how to convert "string with string" to camel-case i.e. stringWithString.
If I could learn this basic thing, I could perhaps finally start programming by voice which would be better than dealing with chicklet keyboards and gamer keyboards, which are prevalent but I find them to be awful.
If you only need to convert a phrase to camel text, here is how I would do it:
set targetString to "string with string"
set allCaps to every character of "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
global allCaps
set camel to my MakeTheCamel(targetString)
to MakeTheCamel(txt)
set allWords to every word of txt
set camelString to ""
repeat with eachWord in allWords
set char01 to character 1 of (eachWord as text)
set remainder to characters 2 thru -1 of (eachWord as text)
repeat with eachChar in allCaps
if char01 = (eachChar as text) then
set camelString to camelString & (eachChar as text) & (remainder as text)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return camelString
end MakeTheCamel
Since AppleScript considers "a" = "A"
to be true, you need only compare any desired letter to its capitalized equivalent, and replace it.
I hope this helps.